
and... please excuse the mess, this is a work in progress!

K.C. |

Hmmm... these eyes are kind of Creepy |

Delphine and K.C. :o) |

Our precious little friend Rydia!!! Isn't she the Cutest!! |

Please...... |

Pretty Please....? |

K.C. with curls! |

I'm not possessed!!! ....and that is not red icing on my thumbs! |

I'll try anything once!!! |

...and they call this fun? (Richard-Dylan at the Lake) |

Hey, maybe this ain't so bad!!! |

Yee Haw!!! I'm really catching on to this!! |

Oooops!!!! |

No wonder I fell!!! Look who's driving the boat.. Acie! |

Now this is Fun!! ...and a lot less work!!! |

Come on "Champ"!!! This is a lot safer than skiing!!! |

Love is in the air...... |

Patrick and K.C. |

K.C. |

What else is a Family Reunion for?? Of course, to have a knife fight with your favorite Sis! |

mmmm, What? Can't ya smile! :) |

awwww..... |

What's everybody looking at???? |

:) |

Awww... K.C.'s First Bouquet of Red Roses! |

K.C. being a lazy bum! |

Rylee! Isn't she a cutie! |

Rylee with Daddy's Hat |

"I'm so Cute! Gammaw had to add one more pic." |

Gammaw's at it again!!!! |

Hey.... I've got a secret........... |

.....Gammaw loves me!!!!!! |

Princess Rylee |

Rylee |

"Uh Oh! I got a boo boo Gammaw!" |

Dustin, K.C. and Richard-Dylan |

K.C. |

Busch Gardens & Water Country! Oh Yeah!!! |

K.C. riding "Casey". |

"Soccer Boy" Richard-Dylan |

Hmmmfff! |

Our "Little Art Collector" with her Jasmine Becket-Griffith painting! |

K.C. with her first two Delphine Levesque Demers paintings. |

K.C. holding "Disrupted Solitude" by Delphine Levesque Demers |

Beach Time! ...just waiting on my ride! |

K.C. with her new piercings! |

Close up of brow and lip piercing..... |
